
défilé 21 juillet Clinique Saint-Jean Botanique
défilé 21 juillet Clinique Saint-Jean Botanique
17 Jul 2024 | News

Due to urban works, the route of the National Day parade has been relocated. The clinic remains accessible, but the use of public transportation is highly recommended for staff, patients, and...

Rapport annuel Clinique Saint-Jean 2023 FR
16 Jul 2024 | News

The Clinic Saint-Jean annual report provides an overview of the year’s major achievements in terms of infrastructure, innovations, partnerships and scientific activity.

doit on porter le masque à l'hopital ?
08 Feb 2024 | News

Due to a significant increase in respiratory infections, we recommend that you protect yourself and vulnerable individuals by wearing a mask.

Parking Botanique fermeture dernière phase de travaux
24 Jan 2024 | News

Starting from January 29, the "Interparking Botanique" parking, located next to the clinic, enters the last phase of renovation and will be inaccessible for several months.

journee portes ouvertes maternite 23 mars 2024
18 Jan 2024 | Event

The maternity ward and delivery unit are holding another open day on Saturday 23 March 2024. This is an opportunity to discover the maternity ward of our clinic, and also to visit the brand new...

rendez-vous IRM Bruxelles
21 Nov 2023 | News

A new MRI machine has been introduced in the radiology department, allowing for faster examinations and improved comfort for patients.

Soins intensifs Clinique Saint-Jean Bruxelles
08 Nov 2023 | News

Visiting hours for patients hospitalized in intensive care have been modified to better meet the needs of our patients.

Prise de sang Bruxelles laboratoire prélèvement
06 Nov 2023 | News

Since this Monday, November 6, the Cebiodi sampling center has been relocated to the main entrance of the clinic on the site Botanique.

Les consultations Terranova Clinique Saint-Jean restent ouvertes
17 Oct 2023 | News

All consultations are taking place as scheduled, and the clinic remains accessible by public transportation this Tuesday.
