Fertility clinic

The Fertility clinic offers a personal, quality-based approach regarding fertility-related issues to couples experiencing difficulty with spontaneous pregnancy. We work closely with the gynaecology department at Clinic Saint-Jean, the CEBIODI laboratory and the UZ Leuven university fertility centre. Our approach is multidisciplinary.

At the Fertility clinic, we combine academic knowledge with patient-access and patient-focus. We operate on the “one-on-one” principle. A single physician and a single midwife accompany you every step of the way. Your fertility doctor helps you take the right decisions and performs all of the IVF procedures himself. Your fertility midwife carefully attends to you and ensures that you understand everything.

First medical appointment with our fertility specialists?

To make sure that you first appointment goes as smoothly as possible, it is important that you fill out the questionnaire below in advance.

You can send it directly to the Fertility clinic (info@fert.be) or hand it over at the beginning of your first appointment.






Our administration office is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 17:00.


The Fertility clinic is located on the second floor, following route 020.

Read more

Visit the Website of Fertility clinic.

Doctors and paramedical

Department of gynaecology and obstetrics
Coordinator Fertility clinic
Dr Sam Ward
Department of radiotherapy