An illness and its management can raise all sorts of questions and emotions. Our team of professional counselors is at your disposal in an open and respectful manner to explore together with you what you might need: questions about meaning, about suffering, moments of prayer, spiritual support visits, attention to your loved ones, celebrations and rituals... As a permanent service of the clinic, we collaborate with representatives of the different recognized convictions (including lay counsellors).
This notion of spirituality is anchored in the DNA of our Clinic. More than 800 years ago, the Augustinian Hospitaller Sisters of Brussels founded the first hospital in our capital city, intended to serve all inhabitants in the Christian spirit. Today we continue on this path, showing great openness and respect for all the beliefs of our multicultural society.
- Tel: 02/221.90.37 (every day from 9:30 to 18:00, except Sunday from 9:00 to 17:00)
- Via the reception or via the nurse of your care unit between 08:00 and 20:00
Place of meditation and/or prayer
Botanique location
- The chapel, located on route 51, is open between 10:00 and 18:00 (from Monday to Saturday) and between 09:00 and 17:00 (Sunday and public holiday). It offers a space for meditation and prayer, where everyone is welcome, regardless of their beliefs or philosophy of life, including for Islamic prayer (as Salat).
- A celebration is organized every Sunday at 10:30. Volunteers provide transportation for patients.
Méridien location
- The prayer and meditation area located on the first floor is open to all religions and beliefs between 7:00 and 17:00.
Léopold I location
- The Magnolia Chapel is accessible on the ground floor (next to the cafeteria) and is open all day.
- The Eucharist is celebrated there on Sundays at 10:30.