Post-surgical follow-up

After the operation you will have another consultation:

  • With your surgeon and the nutritionist at regular intervals which will vary according to the type of operation and depending on the amount of weight lost;
  • Follow-up biological examinations to detect any deficiencies (iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium, proteins) are conducted every 6 months on average;
  • It is advisable to have another consultation with the psychologist;
  • A physiotherapy programme is recommended for a period of 6 months and is prescribed by the medical physicist. This programme is refundable.

Note: it is important to note that without a change in dietary habits, this solution will lead to weight gain after a few months.

This is why we advise these patients to embark on a health and diet follow-up programme with nutritional monitoring, an incentive to practice sports and psychological support if possible.